Success Story: Offline Access to 18,000 Items

With the mobile app from Anveo, an offline-capable extension of Microsoft’s ERP solution, the field service employees of Fleischer-Dienst Braunschweig eG can now work more efficiently.
The Expectations of Fleischer-Dienst Braunschweig:

Goal: Working Offline and Mobile with Dynamics NAV

“The goal was to provide field employees with a mobile solution for Dynamics NAV that offers unrestricted offline capability and keeps employees supplied with the necessary information at all times. In addition, manual processes were to be minimized.”

The Results of Our Work:

Improvements at a Glance

  1. Unrestricted offline capability
  2. Access to all data at any time from any location
  3. More efficient processing of orders (no more tedious adding of space)
  4. More reliable statements to customers
  5. Less rework
That's How it Was Until Now:

Previous Condition: Error-prone and Time-consuming Offline Entry of Sales Orders

“Until now, offline order capture in sales was only possible in a local Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation on the devices of the field service staff. The orders captured there could then be transferred to the system only when an internet connection was available, using an individually developed interface solution. This process took a long time due to the necessary database synchronization and was error-prone. All price agreements or similar had to be manually entered into the ‘main Dynamics NAV’ afterwards. It was not possible to query the current inventory or price configuration on-site with the customers.”

Challenges at a Glance:

  1. Necessity of manual rework
  2. Prone to errors in processes
  3. Lack of availability of offline data on the go
This Is What We Have Done:

Implementation: Introduction of the Anveo Mobile App

“Initially, we considered a custom-developed interface to solve our problems. However, the on-site presentation of the capabilities and the extremely simple and intuitive operation of the Anveo Mobile App convinced us immediately.

Since the introduction of the app was to take place during the release switch from Dynamics NAV 2009 to Dynamics NAV 2018, only a small time window remained for this. The installation, setup, and implementation of the necessary individual customizations were easily handled by the employees of anaptis without any problems and in a very short time. No issues arose during this process.”

Logo of the company Anveo
The Anveo Mobile App provides offline-capable, mobile access to your ERP solution.

The Successful Outcome:

Result: User-friendly Mobile Solution for Dynamics NAV

“Today, we benefit from a user-friendly mobile solution for Dynamics NAV. The Anveo Mobile App solves all past problems and also provides additional features that greatly facilitate the daily work of employees. In addition, we continuously work closely with anaptis’ development to further develop the app, making the daily work of our employees with the system as efficient as possible.”


From the beginning, we felt very well taken care of by the team at anaptis. We always felt understood with our problems and requirements, and proactive solutions were proposed at all times.

Enno Beith, IT Manager, Fleischer-Dienst Braunschweig eG

May We Introduce:

The Mobile Solution for Dynamics NAV at Fleischer-Dienst Braunschweig

Fleischer-Dienst Braunschweig eG is a wholesale specialist for food and supplies in food production. The company’s range includes a wide variety of food products (e.g., fresh meat, cheese specialties, frozen products), accessories such as knives or ovens, professional and disposable clothing, packaging, promotional materials, as well as services such as consultations or machine repairs.

The field service plays an important role in this. Out of approximately 110 employees, eight are engaged in field service. They are to work even more efficiently through a mobile solution for Dynamics NAV. The mobile solution for Dynamics NAV enables them to work even more efficiently.


Team members


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