Achievement: Being Innovative with Dynamics NAV

To avoid falling into an innovation stalemate and optimize the production process, Mönninghoff GmbH & Co. KG needs an all-in-one software that can be continuously adapted.
The Claims of Mönninghoff:

Goal: An ERP Solution for Everything

“We needed a solution that replaces all isolated solutions and represents all departments so that we can finally work efficiently. Additionally, we needed a reliable tool for production planning and consistent inventory management.”

The Insights from Our Work:

What has Improved?

  1. Escape from innovation backlog
  2. Integration of all processes
  3. Production planning and control
  4. Integration of shop floor data collection
  5. Consistent inventory management
The Situation has Been as Follows:

Previous Situation: No Overview due to Various Isolated Solutions

“We were using an outdated industry solution combined with small software extensions. Due to the use of various isolated solutions, we were unable to work efficiently. It was difficult to get an overview of the article structure, and the contribution margin accounting was unreliable. Additionally, we lacked a tool for production planning and consistent inventory management.

Furthermore, our processes were not adequately or consistently represented across departments. Although we anticipated resistance and lack of acceptance from employees, it was time for us to implement an integrated ERP solution. We had already considered several industry solutions. However, these could not be customized to the extent we needed.”

Challenges at a Glance:

  1. Outdated industry solution combined with software extensions
  2. Cross-departmental processes are not represented in the software
  3. Unreliable contribution margin accounting
  4. Lack of overview of article structure and production planning
The Fruits of Our Labor:

Result: An ERP Solution for All Processes

“We ultimately chose Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 with anaptis as our partner company. The system is open and self-adaptable, which was an important factor for us. Additionally, Microsoft’s development roadmap is transparent, so users always know what updates are upcoming.

As mentioned earlier, we were concerned that our employees would not accept the new system. To address this, the ERP solution was initially introduced and tested only with individual key users from the departments. This allowed us to ensure that all processes were accurately represented. Ultimately, the benefits of the new software convinced all employees. The scalability of Dynamics NAV allows us to rethink and adapt processes at any time.

Overall, with the implementation of Dynamics NAV, we have caught up on our innovation backlog and been able to take a new direction. Dynamics NAV supports our work daily along our core and support processes.

In particular, production planning and control, including shop floor data collection, have been extensively optimized. Additionally, in everyday operations, we now benefit from consistent inventory management and better cost calculation. Furthermore, a formal description language has been developed for maintaining master data to establish a solid standard for describing items, for example.”


Without Dynamics NAV and anaptis, we would not have been able to meet the increased demands of our customers and the market. In our industry, the dynamics of manufacturing processes must be transparent so that we can always have a precise overview of the output.

Lars Lindemann, IT Manager, Mönninghoff GmbH & Co. KG

Overview of All Optimizations:

Which Products Are Used?

May We Introduce:

The All-in-One-Solution for Mönninghoff

The Mönninghoff GmbH & Co. KG specializes in the production of precast concrete parts for cable duct construction and water supply. The company is a European leader in offering cable ducts and manhole covers made of reinforced concrete.

To continue to respond quickly to market demands and drive product innovations, Mönninghoff GmbH & Co. KG opted for an integrated solution with anaptis as their IT partner.


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